Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mah New Blog! 8D

I finally got bored enough to start a blog! My title is basically what this will be about. I'll post about new games, old but awesome games, and pics of random crazy shit that happens in my games, all while drinking Dr. Pepper xD I'll also post a pic of a random anime chick in each post, so even if it's boring, there'll always be something nice to look at ;)

Hm...Idk what to do in this first post... Oh! I made something in Minecraft for an awesome comic GillianGerardSingh made on It's one of her main characters, Tabesto- Tabesto, NOT Tabesco xD

So if you haven't read her awesome comic, DO EET NAO! o_o
Aw crap! I just noticed I put the scarf on backwards! DX
This took somewhere around 4-5 hours on Creative mode. Thanks to Creative mode, no sheep had to be shaved during this cold season! :D

Now, for the Random Anime Chick of the day!~
I got this pic off of I don't know who originally drew this, but if you see this, let me know so I can give you credit for this beautiful pic :)

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